Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Post-'O' Plans

So I finally got around to asking my mom if I could go to Thailand with the other guys, and she immediately said 'No', because it's 'Not Safe' . But then I told her we were gonna stay at Thosaporn's house and there would be Grown-Ups and seven dogs about and stuff and she agreed. So all that's left is to survive the 'O's and then I can enjoy life and just RELAX. Also, was discussing the BBQ plans with Mr Khoo over History (that explains the delay) and it's settled: 21st Nov at Thomas' Residence. So many things to look forward to, I can't wait. It's as though the 'O's is this period where time just stops and once it's over we can RELAX and be free again. Until next year lah.


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