Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Yes, after much coaxing, here's an update...

Firstly, to go over things that happened while I was gone:
1)O level Chinese results - I got B3 and a pass for oral! Better than the C6 I expected, and thankfully I was able to drop Chinese. Yay 11 free periods a week now. Stupid german Pflug managed to surprise us all and get an A1 though, who knows how he did it.
2)O level English oral - Was nervous when the day came, although much much more confident then my Chinese. Thought I did quite okay, but finished quite fast; was the first to leave from my group. Hope I didn't screw up anything. Haha Gavin relieved tension when he said our examiner looked uncannily like Mrs Bok's sister.

Had my English prelims last Friday. Did the descriptive for section 1, which I've never tried for an exam before. Just couldn't think of anything for the narrative. The comprehension was quite okay as well, hope I can get A1 with the help of moderation(unless it's blocked).
Also had Physics practical yesterday. Was easier than expected, especially the light ray thingy. Now just need to study for the theory paper. 2 more weeks!

Okay enough of exams. Let's move on to more happier topics. Watched the emmys last night. I always wanted to watch the whole thing, but it's always occured on school nights, so always had to sleep before the last categories were announced. But not last night! No Chinese means no school today, so could finally watch the whole thing. Was rooting for my favourite series, like House(which is showing on Mondays at 10pm on AXN) and 24(Saturdays, 5.30pm, Channel 5), although why wasn't Lost nominated! At least Desperate Housewives didn't win anything either.

School holidays start next week, but I feel like it's already begun. Only need to go school this week for the pract yesterday, and Thursday for Teachers' Day celebrations. The end-of-year(previously known as mid-of-last-year, and also end-of-last-year) History field trip is in jeopardy of being cancelled! Really been looking forward to it for over a year now, but since I'm already going overseas with my family, doubt if I can even make it. At the very least we should have a barbeque at Leslie's house, after Os of course.

Back to exams... prelims are already upon us, and it'll only be over in about 4 weeks. But then after that, there's still the O levels. I can't imagine life after that. For the past 4 years it's been O level this and that, and everything we've done were probably to prepare for the O levels. Sadly, this also means the end of our life in Victoria School, which I'm sure I will be loath of when the day comes.Well, I should probably go study now, but that's what tomorrow is for~


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