Monday, April 03, 2006

Waa so fast 3rd week of term 2 liao. The ever impending mid-years loom ever closer as the amount of work piles higher and higher. Roughly translated: exams coming, shit. Have you started your revision? No need talk about Jabez, he P6 study quantum Physics I bet. Plus the added pressure that Mr Loh gave us today.... Must study harder liao, otherwise sure si kiao kiao end up in ITE ( which has a nice campus, btw). So from today onwards, I will try and revise for at least 2 whole hours a day!

On a lighter note (ahaha pun), our school got a lot of cash ar. The media lab already so ex ( heard it cost like $300,000), all the mac there shiny shiny, got some still in the box. Some more got recording studio nia, got blue screen also, can make Brokeback Mountain 2 nice nice movie. Don't you wish you were in AEP? Can play around with all this hi-tech thing. Some more AEP whole day just draw, go home draw, exam also draw (OK la some also paint). Then can use media lab to relac after school ( got sofa lor! like IKEA shop liddat), or to surf porn research.

Tomorrow also got History field trip! Again! To the Eurasian House! Which strangely enough, although I live quite nearby, have never seen it before.

Mr Hazrin : eh Mark, you live where? Katong ar? Got go Eurasian house before?
me: huh? no la
Mr H: What the..... How can you liddat, eurasian summore never go.
*End Flashback*

(OK lah his english better than this standard)
But I think the main reason why he ask is because his girlfriend always go there or something.

Bah so late liao, better go sleep.


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