Sunday, April 09, 2006

Ordinary post

Went for photo-shooting yesterday wif Mr Khoo! Muyao, Jiawei and Seth and Cedric came along too.
Had to take photos for the Commemorative Yearbook, so we went to the old school compounds at Tyrwhitt Rd and the Geylang Bahru one. The one at Tyrwhitt Rd was very delapidated, everything all covered with dust, and the doors and walls were all scratched and dirty. The chalkboards in the classroom still had writing on them, like tic-tac-toe. Even in the daytime it created a really spooky atmosphere... especially the library.. scary sia. Will post pictures when I get them.
Then Muyao broke the camera lor. Muahahah. But he very rich one, so no worries lah. Lucky not as bad as subra that time, break the lens nia. So I very kind, lend him my camera, then didn't have to take much after that, hahah.
After that Mr Khoo drove us to the Geylang Bahru school. Going there brought back alot of memories... I still remember the 1st six months I spent there; Taking temperature at parade square, having apc meetings in art room, walking through the HDB flats after school to the bus stop. But sadly it started raining, so couldn't take much shots. Hope can go back another day to continue taking. The school also changed alot.... repainted and all that.. expecially since GMSS took over. But still got alot of places that remain the same.
Sitting in a small car with Seth and Jiawei in the back seat is a bad idea. They all punch punch dunno doing wat lor, push here pull there nia, i think whole car shaking. Lucky made it to MRT safely, car nv break down =P

Ah beng post

Yesterday hor, went to the old skoo place to take picture. We go tyrwhitt rd first, there the school sibei tua eh. Beri dirty also, but bo lang eh. Summore the security guard not happi liddat, keep deeshturbing us. Then taking picture halfway hor, nabei, Mu Yao break his camera, then use mine lor. Until lim peh bo pian cannot take photo, so juz tok kok wif my frens.
Then hor, we go to Gaylang Bahru there. Wan to take picture hor, then nabei, rain heavy heavy again, nochoice must go home lor.

Egoistic post

Went to take pictures yesterday at the old school sites. Actually Mr Khoo only called me to take pictures, cos I am very pro mah. But then Muyao also come, probably wan to learn from me la.
So we taking halfway, then Muyao broke his camera(noob). No choice, since I so kind, lend him my camera lor. But I think just use my pics can la, confirm very nice one.

Boring post

Yesterday went to take pictures. Went to Tyrwhitt Rd and Geylang Bahru. Took many pictures. Muyao also went. Some other people also tagged along. After that started to rain. So we went home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! »

4/26/2007 6:21 AM  

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