Saturday, October 07, 2006

Mark's marks & remarks

I did much better for my prelims than I had hoped for. Sure I was nervous as hell when I got back the first script, History, and found I got B3. Kinda treated it as a sign of things to come, and since 6x3=18, suffice to say, I thought I was screwed. But things turned out well in the end:

English 76
E. Maths 94
A. Maths 86
GSS 70 (+7)
History 67
Physics 70 (+6)
(moderation in red)

So that makes an L1R5 of 8, and hopefully a secured place in VJC. For three months at least.

Watched Little Miss Sunshine that same Monday night with the usual suspects from History class. I had never heard of that show before Mr Khoo told us about it and was kinda wary, given Mr Khoo's previous movie outing (4:30 eugh). But it was surprisingly good and refreshing. It was really funny and much better than most other crap out there in the cinemas (Dupree, anyone?).
None of the individual characters' problems get solved at the end of the film, but it still manages to end on a high note that leaves you with a warm tingly feeling inside. It's the kind of film where, after watching, you wish you could buy the entire world a ticket (the >16 part at least).

Anyway, something Suresh said that made me do a comparison, and sure enough:

Heh. The President, no less.

Managed to, uh, procure a copy of Lost Season 3 Episode 1. Been waiting for months for it. And it's good - in true Lost fashion, with more questions than answers. Can't wait for the next ep.


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