Thursday, September 21, 2006

Pause in prelims

A small update now...

The prelims still aren't over-2 more papers. History today was...satisfying, since I had sufficiently studied all the topics that came out. It's been a rush the past few weeks- mock exam, September holidays blazing past, prelims now and soon after the big O levels. I doubt if I'll be able to fully relax until that's all over.

Not to say I'm not relaxing now-quite the contrary. Just stopped cs-ing, and oooh look repeats of The Apprentice are showing now. I'll probably go watch a movie or play Prey.

Cute, huh?

Oh yeah Channel 5 is starting Prison Break tomorrow! Yet another drama serial, you ask? Maybe, but I've heard alot of good comments on this one. Hope there's a thrilling plot to keep me watching after a few weeks(à la Lost, not Desperate Housewives).

In case your wondering, I don't plan on studying til Friday night at least, so there. Expect another update sometime next week after prelims, but only if I manage to find time between my slacking =D


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