Friday, June 20, 2008


Incident 1
A few weeks back, I was reading Neil Gaiman's short story collection on the MRT. I was on this erotic story that was rather too detailed and being semi-conscious of this I looked around and saw this other dude 2 seats away looking at the pages. Fuck. I rushed through that story and moved onto the next one immediately.

Incident 2
Yesterday morning I had this dream where I was in VS for god knows what, when I felt hungry and approached the drinks stall whereupon I bought a yummy-looking hot dog pastry thing. I was just about to quench my hunger with this masterful culinary feat when I woke up to the buzzing of my phone. I answered it and it was Andre asking me about the theme of meals in Great Expectations. Fuck.

Incident 3
I just watched 4 episodes of Hell's Kitchen back to back during the time that I promised myself I would spend studying, seeing as how I have not studied at all today and I have yet to start on Maths and Econs and I will be tragically busy tomorrow. Then I looked at the clock and see it's 3am. Fuck.

Woah 3 tragic incidents in 1 post. My blog is turning emo man.


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