Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Haha. Now Mr Khoo, my VS history teacher, is suggesting a reunion of the 4E/B 'History Society' by watching the movie 'Letters from Iwo Jima', which Mr Khoo, my VJ history teacher, wanted to bring us for on Monday. Since I didn't go on Monday (sorry Mr Khoo) I'll go watch it with Mr Khoo!

Anyway. After lit these few weeks everyone seems to be caught up in poems. 3 of the A13 peeps (I used it again!) already have that W.H. Auden poem in their MSN nicks lah. So here's a favourite (war) poem which my sis introduced to me the other day. Isn't it touching? Gave me goosebumps the first time I read it:

The Soldier by Rupert Brooke
If I should die, think only this of me:
That there's some corner of a foreign field
That is for ever England. There shall be
In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;
A dust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,
Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,
A body of England's, breathing English air,
Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

And think, this heart, all evil shed away,
A pulse in the eternal mind, no less
Gives somewhere back the thoughts by England given;
Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;
And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,
In hearts at peace, under an English heaven.
Oh yeah, I'm on page 240 of Great Expectations! See how much you can achieve without the distractions of school?

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Monday, February 26, 2007


Today was a bad bad day for me. I should have resisted the urge to go to school the moment I woke up and realised I had a stomach ache... At least school was quite fruitful today. Enjoyed a dramatic showdown in the lit lecture when Harris and that woman(forgot her name) started bickering. Harris was shouting "Good God, woman! Sit down!" Hahaha, hilarious. Then there was chinese, maths and lit tutorial, all of which I tried to sleep through (in vain) due to a bad headache. Lit tutorial with Ms Low is fun! She always veers off course and was talking about boyfriends today- then History was again watching that tape in the library. 4 periods of Ms Low and Mr Sayers really helps to lighten the mood (which comes crashing down at the last two periods). The last two periods which I skipped and went home instead to rest. Haha JJ went home too, he was like 'I'm sick too okay'.

Then comes the bad bad part of the day: Upon reaching home I bought cup noodles to ease my stomach, but immediately after eating it got regurgitated into the toilet bowl. So my mom prevented me from going for the History movie later this evening. Of course I was looking forward to Letters from Iwo Jima, but I guess I realised how sick I was when I again sent some porridge (with force) into the toilet. Bleh, it was miserable. Stomach ache with a pounding headache- My mom brought me to the doctor who said I had gastric flu. Is it some sort of pandemic? First Andre now me. Soon the whole population of Singapore will get it too! Watch out!

Anyway I rested alot after that, and when I went to the toilet I got a shock when I noticed a purple bruise in my eye, and red dots surrounding my eyes. Was quite scary, but turns out I had vomited with such force that my blood vessels had ruptured. =D! It'll take a week to clear, so you guys can probably admire it on Thursday when I get back to school. I should really take a picture. Heh. Thanks to the peeps (isn't peeps such a cool word?) of 07A13 for sending their regards after the movie. I guess I'll have to procure the movie through other means...

Oh, and to those who complain about me shaking my leg in the LT causing vibrations down the entire row: here.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Don't you just love


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Yellow Day

Green Day is appearing in the new Simpsons movie!


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Green Day - Time of Your Life (Live)

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

pon clinic, go school

Today I didn't go to school. And yet I feel even more tired than a normal school day.
Ok start from the top:

Decided not to go school today. We (Daniel, me, Emmanuel) meant to crash MJ, but in the end Daniel decided not to because of his econs test. (traitor!) So I decided to stay home since I'm already coming down with the flu. And since polyclinic is free for me, and since it's near Parkway (and thus breakfast), and since the doctors there are lax in giving out MCs, I went to the polyclinic. DAMMIT. Had to wait 3 (THREE) hours to see the frickin doctor. HALF HOUR to get my queue number, then the rest was spent sitting down listening to my iPod. I knew I should have left when I saw the average waiting time was 3h flashing by on the signboard, but it's ALWAYS 3h on the signboard. I always thought it was some government scheme so people won't complain about waiting 2h for the doctor (Heng ah, I only waited for 2h, so short sia lucky never kena 3h). Bastards. And they gave me ALOT of medicine. Like 40 antibiotics, and must finish in 5 days or they'll combust.

And then I had to do some stuff for some thing, and yada yada yada ( I watch too much Seinfeld) I had to go back to school twice to pass JingHan some stuff, and on the way back the first time, met Mr Sayers outside VJ waiting for a cab again (always see him there). So I said bye, then he asked for my number cos it's valentines tomorrow and he's lonely and stuff cos he might want to contact his humble History rep occassionally. The second time back, I went Parkway with Jason to get some other stuff (which was embarassing) and 10 oranges(!). Dunno for what also.

When I reached home I somehow managed to get sicker (must be the polyclinic), so slept through dinner, and woke up in time to do my much procrastinated lit essay. Unfortunately, I lay on my bed after annotating the poem and forgot to get back up until just recently, whereby I turned off my CD player and turned on my computer. Guess I'll have to do it tomorrow during PE lah.

Now you know, when you're sick, don't go polyclinic, go to school instead. It's much more slack.

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Show off!

Thailand boat ride
Gold Coast

Sydney Airport! Dunno why I just like this pic.

Thailand! Forgot the name of that island resort.
Sentosa (Palawan Beach I think)


Requiem for a printer

Gaah my printer just died. Ok not really, it just prints funny. Like even when the black ink is full, it prints as though there's no ink. And without black, printing anything is futile!!! Only managed to print about four photos the other day. Guess I'll have to buy a new printer. But dammit I just bought 18 ink catridges! Go Parkway sell lah. And I need the printer right now to print something important! Bah I guess four years of faithful service is all you can expect of a canon printer.

Friday, February 09, 2007

The Night After

Whee I got 8 points. But my amaths got A2.. quite disappointing, since I thought of that as my guaranteed A1 subject lah. Thankfully my History and Geog got A1.
But Mdm Nabilah made me so nervous lah. When I went to take my paper I asked if I could stay if VJ, then she said yeah, eh wait... then die lah I thought I got above 10 or something.
Haha then spent 10 minutes calling and sms-ing everyone. YAY I'm staying in VJ! Now got that stupid chinese compo to write.

Anyway we went for lunch after that at Swensens (THANKS Nabilah!), then sticked around for SLI and talked with a few of my teachers before going home with Daniel (6-pointer!)

Hope A13 stays the same! Appeal if you have to!

And don't worry la Yane, sure can stay in VJ one.

The Morning Before

So.... how to begin this...

For those who are interested in my life the past 2 months, it's okay, nothing exciting happened.
But today it's results day! I really wanna stay in VJ. My VJC class rocks. Really. 'O' Level results are out in like 4 hours, and I'll be very sad if I have to leave VJ. In fact I'll be equally sad if one person from the class has to leave. D:

I spent the whole day yesterday with my class (or at least the portion that wasn't anti-social or didn't pon school). Went bowling at Marina Square- it was my first time, but so fun! Hope Monday can go again. Then we walked around while the girls were shopping(we finished 5 shops and they were still in the same place in the same shop la). So we gave up and went Mcdonalds to wait and played that maomao game which resulted in everyone staring at us (not aided at all by Edo's especially loud laughter) Then we went to Shubway (shinmin joke) for dinner and played another guess-the-number game. Luckily it wasn't that full, but still got people stare at us la. And theeen, we went to that esplanade area to sit down and play more games. Woo 07A13! Whatever the outcome, I hope you had the time of your life =)

I couldn't sleep at all last night! Had to lie in bed for an hour or so before dozing off, then woke up at 7am. And the night before too! Gah! So nervous- I really don't know what to do if I don't stay in VJ. So check back later (or now, if you're not a faithful follower of my blog and only read this tomorrow) for my results. If I do well I'll probably post it here straight away. So if there's no post today I probably didn't do well. Or maybe I was celebrating and can only post it tomorrow. Bah, just sms me if you wanna know.

PS- ya lah I'll try to update more often!