Tuesday, February 13, 2007

pon clinic, go school

Today I didn't go to school. And yet I feel even more tired than a normal school day.
Ok start from the top:

Decided not to go school today. We (Daniel, me, Emmanuel) meant to crash MJ, but in the end Daniel decided not to because of his econs test. (traitor!) So I decided to stay home since I'm already coming down with the flu. And since polyclinic is free for me, and since it's near Parkway (and thus breakfast), and since the doctors there are lax in giving out MCs, I went to the polyclinic. DAMMIT. Had to wait 3 (THREE) hours to see the frickin doctor. HALF HOUR to get my queue number, then the rest was spent sitting down listening to my iPod. I knew I should have left when I saw the average waiting time was 3h flashing by on the signboard, but it's ALWAYS 3h on the signboard. I always thought it was some government scheme so people won't complain about waiting 2h for the doctor (Heng ah, I only waited for 2h, so short sia lucky never kena 3h). Bastards. And they gave me ALOT of medicine. Like 40 antibiotics, and must finish in 5 days or they'll combust.

And then I had to do some stuff for some thing, and yada yada yada ( I watch too much Seinfeld) I had to go back to school twice to pass JingHan some stuff, and on the way back the first time, met Mr Sayers outside VJ waiting for a cab again (always see him there). So I said bye, then he asked for my number cos it's valentines tomorrow and he's lonely and stuff cos he might want to contact his humble History rep occassionally. The second time back, I went Parkway with Jason to get some other stuff (which was embarassing) and 10 oranges(!). Dunno for what also.

When I reached home I somehow managed to get sicker (must be the polyclinic), so slept through dinner, and woke up in time to do my much procrastinated lit essay. Unfortunately, I lay on my bed after annotating the poem and forgot to get back up until just recently, whereby I turned off my CD player and turned on my computer. Guess I'll have to do it tomorrow during PE lah.

Now you know, when you're sick, don't go polyclinic, go to school instead. It's much more slack.

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