Friday, February 09, 2007

The Morning Before

So.... how to begin this...

For those who are interested in my life the past 2 months, it's okay, nothing exciting happened.
But today it's results day! I really wanna stay in VJ. My VJC class rocks. Really. 'O' Level results are out in like 4 hours, and I'll be very sad if I have to leave VJ. In fact I'll be equally sad if one person from the class has to leave. D:

I spent the whole day yesterday with my class (or at least the portion that wasn't anti-social or didn't pon school). Went bowling at Marina Square- it was my first time, but so fun! Hope Monday can go again. Then we walked around while the girls were shopping(we finished 5 shops and they were still in the same place in the same shop la). So we gave up and went Mcdonalds to wait and played that maomao game which resulted in everyone staring at us (not aided at all by Edo's especially loud laughter) Then we went to Shubway (shinmin joke) for dinner and played another guess-the-number game. Luckily it wasn't that full, but still got people stare at us la. And theeen, we went to that esplanade area to sit down and play more games. Woo 07A13! Whatever the outcome, I hope you had the time of your life =)

I couldn't sleep at all last night! Had to lie in bed for an hour or so before dozing off, then woke up at 7am. And the night before too! Gah! So nervous- I really don't know what to do if I don't stay in VJ. So check back later (or now, if you're not a faithful follower of my blog and only read this tomorrow) for my results. If I do well I'll probably post it here straight away. So if there's no post today I probably didn't do well. Or maybe I was celebrating and can only post it tomorrow. Bah, just sms me if you wanna know.

PS- ya lah I'll try to update more often!


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