Sunday, September 30, 2007

If You Could Travel Back In Time...

The end of promos is round the corner! (Sorry people who haven't finished their promos. *sniggers*) Only Chinese left...hope it's an easy paper. Feel quite confident for my promos, especially so since I mugged alot the past week. Mugging in VS is FUN (am I crazy). Hope I'm able to take H3 History.

Just been back from dinner at Lau Par Sat, with some of my dad's old students-including Hamish Brown, that DJ from Gold 90.5. Quite a fun gang, and cool to see such old classmates still hanging out after so many years, recalling memories from their days at SJI.

Anyway been really free since Thursday, so I've decided to photoshop alot of my pics, especially those taken in London/France, with the new techniques I've learnt from Google (Thank You Google). For those interested, it's mostly B&W conversion by Daniel Diaz or Greg Gorman and a few experimental tweaks. It's much nicer than the flat tones I get from shooting B&W direct from camera. Anyway here are a few rejected edits: fun ones but I feel lacking in certain areas that prevent it showcasing on my Flickr.

Tryed out some IR technique to fit with the surreal-ness of the location. Like the blurry effect. Sky here is totally fake-stole it from another pic. Can tell from my horrendous cropping though =/

One of the first few pics I took in England. Somehow reminds me of Christmas.
Taken from the bus, in Paris. Interesting scene, but feel it's lacking in overall impact...

This is what a real grocery looks like, not those air-conditioned neon-sign-ed establishments in S'pore.

Street photography in the UK is the BEST. I hope I get a scholarship to study there, which means H3, which means good promo results, which means I'm already nervous. Also I've been deprived of photography with a DSLR for like 3 months now, due to Promos and Shitâ„¢. I'm just gonna borrow the school's one on Monday after Chinese paper and shoot til January. I'm just gonna travel all over Singapore and focus purely on photography this 3 months and shoot daily. Somewhat impressed by that Boston photographer (whose name eludes me now), who took photos for 40 years, selected one good picture a year, and released a collection of these 40 superb photos in a book-imagine the standard of his selection process! So I'll take photos for these 3 months and only upload the best at the end of December. It seems like VJ has 'ignited my passion' for photography (eugh cliche) after 4 years of being school photographer, or it's just the kinda shit that happens at this age, anyway I promise some good quality work by December. Check this space!

ps - anybody wanna go with me to Changi/East Coast/Ubin/Punggol/Botanical Gardens/Zoo/Chinese Gardens/CBD


Blogger Christopher said...

Hey Mark, hope you're not too freaked out that I read your blog. Let me know when you want to go shooting.

10/06/2007 10:35 PM  

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