Saturday, April 07, 2007


Finally an update for my loyal fanbase. Sorry it took so long but had a very busy week of school to deal with, and was mostly too tired by the time I got home. Let's see... how to link the events of this week with the last without losing the attention of my readers? And don't close this window just because this post takes up a whole screen or three. If it's too much, I'm sure you can read a few lines now, then return later for another few lines until you finish this post. Yes, it is that addictive. Anyway, I think a great flashback-y post will do the trick. So we'll start with today:

It's Good Friday so thankfully there's no school since I'm getting sick- actually it would've been better if there were school cos I'd be able to get an MC and still slack at home. Y'know that lousy feeling you get in your throat just before you get a sore throat? I know it much better after the past 2 days. And that was Wednesday.... which brings us to flashback number one.

School today was a complete waste. Except the floorball bit. Whole JC1 cohort watched a Chinese Opera performance in the PT, or Performance Theatre for those not in the know(or VJ for that matter). Quite amusing, but the lead guy had some skillz and he's only 18 years old! Anyway the amusing part was when Edo (a non-Chinese) imitated the Chinese opera voice over the next few days (which, might I point out, was in Chinese. Go figure.) Ended quite late so had to rush for PE, and since it's term two we finally managed to play floorball, which is different from secondary school floorball (consisting mainly of hitting the ball with a stick), since Mr Seet taught us a few tricks and we now tried to hit the ball with a stick into the goal. Was really tired after PE, so I tried to sleep during maths and skipped econs lecture to play cards in the comp lab. And since it was Humanities Quiz Day(!) we ended early and skipped GP too, which means that I suffered no education in school for this day. Which is so common most people forget to mention it. Anyway, Humans Quiz was exciting. Being photographer on duty meant I had a front row seat (or stair). It was a shocking last minute victory by newcomer Maris Stella High, although more amusing was when RI kept buzzing when they couldn't say the answer, but said shit into the mic instead. But please, the questions were so easy, I knew all the answers. Although this might somehow be related to the fact that I partook in the rehearsals on... Tuesday! But hold the flashback, I still have to talk about dinner at Katong Laksa (this kinda contributed to that lousy feeling in my throat now) with Jinghan Edo JJ MC and Meiyi. OK now we can continue to:

Econs today was spent with my head on the table for 5s, and then after realizing that Mrs Chua doesn't care, for one period. Fast forward to after school, where we proceeded from the treehouse to LT1 for Humans Quiz Rehearsal. Bridge-playing to Quiz-Rehearsing. Fun to boredom. Anyway I was supposed to be a finalist seated at one of the tables (Cedar Girls no less) with two of my other classmates. We obviously didn't know the answers to any of the questions, but had lots of fun guessing. My ability to stay awake during the whole thing, and still head over to Thaipan for dinner after that is probably explainable by the fact that I had skipped PE earlier on account of my growing sickness (not explainable is how I managed to play floorball the next day. One of life's mysteries I guess). Dinner at Thaipan was a humorous affair spanning from passing through Mandarin Garden's super-tight security to eating 20 fried buns, to laughing over (senior-class) Harry in the VJ conduct-promoting posters. Which reminds me, he's a great Bridge partner, which I found out last.... Friday!

(Last) Friday was Sport's Day, coincidently the only day VJ locks its gates til 6pm. We all changed into our nice green house shirts, then together with my senior class guys (Harry Zach Yixiong) went to the grandstand, where we waited patiently for about 20min, at which point it rained and we went to a classroom to play Bridge, with Zach's band jamming as background music. Played til four without interruption, but with lots of paranoia, where every sound is Tan Yew Hwee discovering us. Headed back to grandstand to watch cheerleading, since Jinghan and Jason were, erm, performing? Anyway Lynx (my house)(they're house too) won cheerleading, and we proceeded to Cineleisure to watch Music and Lyrics. Unfortunately it wasn't showing, so went to Shaw where it also wasn't showing but had Meet The Robinsons. Quite a good and light-hearted animation flick, provided many a laugh (especially with Edo watching). On the bus home, I was a Witness to an accident. This (stupid) car crashed into our bus (ok lah it grazed the side of our bus) and prevented us from moving forward. Not that we could with the jam already making me late. Anyway the bus driver asked me to be a Witness To The Accident, and took my handphone number down (could that be his ulterior motive?), saying an SBS guy would contact me soon. Soon turned out to be.... next(last?) Thursday!

Last period lit was the best. Harris was being funny himself today and cracking a few jokes while we tried to annotate two poems. Sadly after lit he dropped $100, looked all around the classroom for it, then happily throttled Andre when he laughed at Harris. Anyway he said he lost a thousand pounds in London before- can't wait for that story. Went to macdonalds with JJ syazana and MC after school. I must have laughed the hardest I ever had, my stomach was hurting so. A bit after four the SBS guy finally called me and asked for my statement, which I was trying my hardest to give while fending off a starved macdonalds waiter who kept trying to get at my double cheeseburger. Stayed til 5.45pm, until Leow asked me to help her ballot for musicfest tickets, which ended at 6pm, so I literally rushed home (actually, can you rush metaphorically?), dashed for the com, logged on, and found out it had closed, at 5.58pm no less (lying SC bastards). So I promised her I'll give her a ticket if I had extra (balloted for four). Had to wait a while before balloting results were out, which coincidently, arrived the day I started to write this post. And that is....(are you beginning to see the benefits of late posts? Stop complaining you tsp.)

Received the much-awaited email. Its contents:

"We regret to inform you that due to overwhelming demand, your request for Music Fest 2007 tickets is unsuccessfully. Your request will be placed on our waiting list should the allocated tickets are not collected. Thank you for your interest."

Which is not only extremely bad news, but also superbly bad grammar. Could the SC bastards be mocking me? I'll probably get a ticket from any performer I know (hi pfluggy) or I'll check out the blackmarket. As for Leow... she can watch the live coverage in LT1, right? Feeling much better after resting/slacking/watching TV/playing Titan Quest the whole day. Having dim sum lunch with my family tomorrow, which is good cos I haven't had a chance to eat dinner with them for a whole week (much less update this blog, eh tsp?), since... Monday!

Oh I'm really pushing it now.
Just wanted to say it was my birthday today, a very quiet affair, which is especially good in VJ, although the traditions there aren't quite as memorable (or painful) as those in VS. OKOK egoistic side-notes aside, let's get back to

Shall conclude this post soon, on account of having too many flashbacks and too little audience attention-span. And also too little time left to sleep.
Realised I'm quite addicted to MCR these few days, I'm always listening to their album. All the songs rock! Especially Dead!.
And I can't wait for the movie One Nine Nine Four.
Thanks for persevering through this long post, although I bet most of you lazy buggers just skipped to the end. Now go back up there and read through it all. I guarantee it's a great albeit complicated and confusing flashback piece. Lost directors, if you need a new scriptwriter...

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