Monday, January 28, 2008


Friday, January 25, 2008



Don't you hate that feeling, when you have a lit essay due tomorrow and it's already 12am the night before and you haven't started and you finally decide to submit it late? (Procrastinators unite, tomorrow!)

We were sitting in the canteen stoning after school when Harris saw us and began to chat about his feelings (un)towards Singapore. Shan't go into detail because it just doesn't do if your lit teacher gets put into jail the year you're taking 'A's. Anyway what he said set me thinking and on the lookout for falling trees.

Anyway I need to a) buy Queen musical tickets tomorrow at Parkway; b) think of excuses for lit; c) finally do some filing because my file is bursting, and it's only been a month back at school; and d) read the four History books Sayers lent me. I shall do so...tomorrow!

Also Mr Ho showed us a Cyanide&Happiness comic during math lecture today. I wonder if he's read the risque ones. Maybe he's into webcomics too and reads QC and xkcd and other cool stuff (or not).

Photog yesterday was quite interesting. Did pinhole photography involving a Yeo's camera, and used the darkroom for the first time. Unfortunately there was an excess of J1s and I only had two tries to estimate the exposure and screwed both shots up badly. I shall try again! (Next week.)

Forgoing afternoon naps in the hopes of early sleeptimes always screws up somehow. How can you be sleepy at 4 dead tired at 5 then wide awake at 7 without napping, then sleeping at 1am and screwing up the cycle again for the next day and dozing off during lectures.

Oh I've got an e) use Borders voucher before it expires.

I just finished reading Long Way Round by Ewan McGregor (Obi-wan!) & Charley Boorman, a sorta autobiography on their motorcycle trip halfway around the world. They literally rode from London across Europe, Russia and Mongolia and then the US. Language is simple and fun to read and it's quite an engaging story. I like the many incidents of strange meetings between them and the indigenous peoples and the clash of cultures. Now I can choose, as my next bedtime book, between History of the Present (a gasp history book), some bizarre vampire novel with hints of eroticism, and Carnival of Spies. Agh someone help me find a paperback copy of Pratchett's new book please.

Ooh I just realized my pics are up on the SYC webbie (that job I took last December for the monies). Aah fond memories.

And now I've spent half an hour writing non-Gatsby related stuff. Goddammit.

ps. Hi Lois


Tuesday, January 22, 2008


It's so weird blogging suddenly. I was just flipping through my previous posts, y'know, cos that's what a blog is for. To remember the past? Right? Or I might have mixed it up with the pressing teenage need to bore people with emoness. Anyway.

I've realized I haven't finished my recollection of the '07 Lit Trip. It just slipped my mind completely. Remind me to finish it soon, there's like half the trip left.

Also, since no one wants to watch Cloverfield with me, I've decided to assume my own responsibilities and watch it myself. Also because it was conveniently up for download. Interesting show, but the main reason I wanted to watch it (and I suspect for the many others too) was due to the viral marketing campaign, a la Lost. I've been following it for about a month now, and although it culminated quite well (which is more than can be said for countless other movies with normal huge budgets), I have to say it, the monster looks weird. At least it's one step up from black smoke. And the only difference from most movies with monster attacks is the innovative use of a handheld throughout the whole movie to invoke a sense of nausea realism. Acting and effects are pretty solid though. You can see I really have nothing to blog about (concerning my life, that is).

Oo MingHao got a pool table. Coupled with my recent shift to the lane next to his, this means more pool for us. I am improving greatly, but mostly due to the fact that I sucked to start with. We have invented many new styles of playing, most of which require a TV playing weird-ass Chinese dramas and commercials. (like ROFLMAO shaolin hockey/floorball in ancient china? wtf.)

In other news, I've found more nice bands to listen to. Broadway Calls is a new punk rock band, hardly nouveau, but with relatively nice melodies, albeit accompanied with exceedingly familiar vocals. Think early post-punk era 'rock'. Thus far my playlist still consists mainly of Death Cab and Matches, and if anyone has more The Higher songs then givethemtomenowthanks. I need more indie recommend me some bands!

On a sidenote I haven't finished packing 2 more boxes in my room. Hopefully when they are finally gone they shall impart upon my small room the illusion of bigger space.

Hmm, let's see, what else should I blog about that I can read back and reminiscence in the future. Oh sonofabitch I just remembered there's H3 stuff due tomorrow. Okay not a bad start now just one more bit of deep thought. Uhhh. Ummm. I sat in lit lecture with Warran today. And Daniel and Meiyi. And if Jeremy had sat next to us we could have had fun recollecting lit trip. Nostalgia within Nostalgia! I'd better stop before we get emo.