Sunday, December 30, 2007

'Cos our December sun is setting

>You are in a dark, strange room. Indie rock fills the air, accompanied with the occasional noisy tap-tap-tapping of the keyboard.
>You try to move the chair, but it is stuck. You turn around and see heaps (okay maybe just 5) of large boxes cluttered around what free space is left of the room. You are sadly confined to the small space you already occupy. It could only be sadder if this small space were your new room which you recently moved into, the confines of which are exaggerated by a crazy sleep schedule which has one awake, and blogging no less, in the wee hours of the morning. Hypothetically speaking of course.
>You quickly wear out the fun of blogging in MUD-variant. [You are eaten by a grue?]

If you look at the title of this post, you could infer that I'm still suffering from Death Cab addiction. However it appears to be wearing off slightly, thanks to the many new indie bands I have chanced upon. Including the never-before-heard-of Foxboro Hot Tubs :D. Also, have I mentioned Duku Lane is a good place to be when you have no internet connection? The neighbour leaves his wireless on almost 24/7, and although the connection is a tad slow (insert list of vulgarities aimed at neighbour)(please don't report me) a craving for Questionable Content is enough to last a few days. But I have finally procured my computer and new Starhub plan from the clutches of my old house and the Starhub people (respectively). So I am satisfied. Anyway crazy week moving = no sleep = alot of sleep when I finally get it = messed up sleep schedule = blogging at 4am. Although admittedly I'm only blogging while waiting for my downloads to finish. THERE I SAID IT I'M ONLY BLOGGING FOR NECESSITY. I'M JUST USING YOU, BLOGOSPHERE.

Also, I need to talk more about my temp. job the other time, and about Christmas and about the hectic hectic past week. Not because anything traumatic happened and I need to get it out of my system, but because interactive non-fiction needs to make a comeback an oh look my downloads have finished. You have served your purpose, blog! Now back to the depths of the internet til boredom strikes again. And in case that doesn't happen, happy pre-emptive New Year's.

ps Omg I got spam on my last post I AM POPULARRR.

Saturday, December 01, 2007


It's 1am and I feel like it's 10pm. Oooh I can just feel another long and boring night to come. Seriously, I'm so bored nowadays. I can't sleep til 7am, and I won't wake til past noon. 3am to 7am is killer, when no one's online and my screwed-up computer is not cooperating by not providing me with the usual inane things-to-do. I shall thus attempt to externalise my boredom, through the tried-and-tested method of ranting on my blog so that you readers can suffer the author's banes. Think of it as...interactive non-fiction. We begin:

Yay it's December again. Cue jingly bells and whatnot. I've been looking forward to Christmas since I started studying for promos (what's that, like more'n a month ago), but now, ehh, not so much. Maybe when Christmas is actually here I won't even be in The Festive Mood. It'll be weird having the usual Christmas dinner (no no no shutup about Great Expectations) at the new house. Oh wait, I haven't said that I'm moving, did I.

So, I'm moving.

We're supposed to officially move on the 8th of December, but the new house has only just started undergoing renovation and stuff, so we'll probably shift back the date. I haven't even started to pack =/ My room's gonna be a bitch to pack, seeing as how my new room is smaller and blah. We've removed all the cupboard doors from the kitchen though (whoop de doo). So now there're random cupboard doors stacked in my kitchen, while the contents of each cupboard are exposed. (Time for Short Anecdote For Humorous Effect:) So there I was, preparing my nightly cup of tea, and I turn to grab a spoon from the drawer behind me, and blam my hand smacks into a kitchen cupboard DOOR. Twas a surreal moment, since cupboard doors should be affixed to cupboards, not on the floor blocking harmless drawers. It's like living in a house of a person suffering from cupboard-door-phobia.


Had a briefing at Adidas, Cathay earlier this evening. Sounds cool eh. Y'know that Standard Chartered marathon being held this Sunday, well I'm gonna be a paid photographer for the event :D My first official stint as photographer. Woohoo. But it's a measly $50, and I can tell it'll sure as hell be boring taking photo after photo of portraits. Then I'll probably blow the cash immediately after on some whim. But I'm desperate! I know I should find a job, but I just wanna rot at home.

And if you can't tell already, I'm getting hooked on AFI again. I mean, c'mon, there's gotta be a reason I own their album (which coincidentally makes up 33.3% of my album collection). Notwithstanding the fact I bought it cheap at some book fair in Sydney. With my dad's money. OK whatever, they rock. And then there's Death Cab for Cutie and The Matches, two til-recently lesser-known bands (y'know, cos I only recently heard of them) that're great too. Although I think I'm falling back into getting hooked on Green Day again. Bloody December, I'm probably gonna get addicted to LOTR again. Already I feel the urge to re-read the book. Maybe I shall pop the DVD in tonight...for old times' sake?

And webcomics! They're great. XKCD, PerryBibleFellowship, LookingForGroup,ErfWorld and OrderoftheStick(yay) have got me addicted. That I've completed them all in the past few days. Go google them, I'm too lazy to find a link.

Dammit I'm still as bored as ever. Bloody blogs never work. Least I can hope for is every reader dumb enough to read this entire post grows bored too.

*2.45am edit: That's it! I'm going off to my room to watch LOTR and do my crosswords. Why is no one interesting online!