Monday, July 10, 2006

Of Football and Yearbooks

So I'm sitting here at 3am on a school night. Doing what you ask? Watching the World Cup of course! As Yane mentioned, 'even Thompson watches'. Hey, it happens only once every four years, so I think this justifies me staying awake til 4am on a school night (I'm not into the olympics). Heck, we're even allowed to go to school later at 9.30am. Football (or soccer, whatever) is, seriously speaking, the only sport that pervades world culture so drastically (this is what happens when you do too many English compres) . You don't see people go this hysterical over a sport like billiards. I mean, can you imagine Mr Maran announcing a school holiday cos of the snooker championships so we can watch some guy use a stick to hit balls? It's worse than golf! (erm, this is just my view, if you happen to like pool[or golf] don't come after me with your stick)

I must admit it's already the 84th min, and I haven't really been watching. But I can see the TV from here, that counts right. I can even tell you the score! It's still 1-1. At least I can hear the crowd cheer when someone scores. Strangely I'm rooting for France to win, though I don't really know why. Must be the sneaky Italians and their weird names.

Ok enough about soccer. You can read more about the matches here and here. The Commemorative Yearbook is out! Finally! I didn't do much this time though, played more the role of an slacker advisor. But why isn't my face there! GAH! I didn't stay back til 6pm for DAYS to have NO RECOGNITION WHATSOEVER. Although the others sure have done alot more than me.... I didn't really do much advising, now that I think about it. More along the lines of 'peeking over the shoulder and asking "what's that?"' Haven't flipped through it yet though. Helped Mr Khoo carry hundreds of the books (it's hardcover ok, it's well worth your $15). Ahh so near yet so far.... I could feel the book at my fingertips, but that.. that... Mr Khoo didn't let me have a look. Hmph. (hey no goal yet. Yay for penalty shootout)

I've officially joined the study group! I now stay back everyday in school til about 6pm to mug! O levels are coming ya know. Studying with Yane and Adri after lunch at the regular places(Bedok, Parkway, Katong Laksa etc), with the occasional interruption by a particularly deranged George Teo. It does have it's moments (like when George took my iPod and ran away. Piece of...)

Going for a movie tonight with Mr Khoo and the mature people from our History class (it's an NC-16 movie lah, sorry Leslie, wait for the next PG-13 one). It's called 4:30 by Royston Tan. Saw the trailer, and it does look.....weird. (Wanted to post a picture, but damn blogspot doesn't work. The boy looks like the one from Ju-on. Scary~) I'm going more out of curiosity than anything else. And I hope I get stuck at Orchard til 12am again. It's peacefully tranquil, like a graveyard, but decorated with designer goods and ang mohs instead of the usual gravestones.

Will have to slug through another day of school before watching the movie though. I'll probably fall asleep during a certain class that's Good for Sleeping Soundly. Back to World Cup then. Byee.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Yay I'm back.

Soooo.... Had my Chinese O level oral exams yesterday. I was damn nervous while in the waiting room... I mean it's Chinese la, and my Chinese sucks. Heck, you can tell that from my damn surname. At least I'm not half as bad as Suresh.. they probably think he's a mat or something. Anyway it was probably because it's something you can't study for. This not-prepared-feeling just adds to the suspense I guess. My hands were bloody shaking before I entered the nicely-air conditioned room. And when I entered the first thing I saw was the two teachers smiling at me, which was nerve wrecking to say the least. Then the conversation topic contained some cheem phrase that involved flowers somehow, and the first thing I thought was oh shit, followed by some vague thoughts about gardening. Luckily they explained the phrase to me, which actually means spoilt children. But whenever I looked at the examiners they would just smile freakily back at me, leaving me with a nagging feeling that I was being laughed at. I'm sure they burst out laughing after I left. Damn O level examiners. But at least it's over, and I suppose the bright side is that I won't have to deal with Chinese for another 3 months.

Went for the RGS play earlier tonight, with Jon Tan and Martin. Supposedly the plan was to meet at Ochard MRT at 6.30pm and reach RGS by 7pm. Well, we did meet at 6.30, then realised we haven't eaten dinner and decided to find a place for food, but by the time we went back to the bus stop and travelled to RGS it was already 7.30. I suppose the moral of the story is never follow your stomach, or Martin. Turns out we weren't late after all, and had to wait outside the theatre while dealing with Martin's indecision to phone a certain someone. I should probably talk about the play and the wonderful script and acting (God does not belong to you, ahahahah), but I keep getting distracted by Martin's out-of-tune rendition of L.O.V.E., complete with flailing hand action. ( you know the song... "L is for the way you look at meee") Yes, singing in the orchard underground at 12am after supper-ing and gossipng at mcdonalds, I'd say the coke at mac's contains alcohol. Alot of it, probably to cater to the hordes of soccer-watching fans lined outside. Lucky Martin got to go home on the last train, while Jon and I had to walk to the bus stop. It was already 12.20am, and the last bus was supposedly at 11.50pm, so we decided to head over to the next stop to check out the other buses. And just when we reached that stop, guess what! we saw our bus go past! Dammit! Doesn't SBS supply their drivers with watches? Luckily a kind taxi uncle agreed to take us back home safely and no extra charge, with but a certain song still ringing in our heads. Seriously, it's still ringing now! Make it stop!