Sunday, January 29, 2006

Happy CNY! Can't sleep so decided to blog... had enough of Guild Wars (thanks jingyu!), played almost the whole day. Anyway the photo taking on Fri didn't go as smoothly as I had planned, but in the end it was alright I guess, though Mdm Tazneen didnt seem too pleased with my pics... Weng did quite well, don't be so nervous next time!(Heard Mdm Tazneen say our pics will be used in newpaper, yay) Hope that VSMedia will really be reformed, though I'll probably be gone by the time it's happened. Really miss those times when Mr Ong was around, where our only meeting schedule was slacking and things weren't so strict... but then again maybe it's for the better.
Finally had that seoul garden lunch after school on Friday. About my second time there, couldn't find the plates =P Most of the intellectual discussion came from Charles(ahem) and Mr Khoo's tables, we were too busy eating I guess. Food was great but then the bill wasn't... Didn't expect to see Mdm Nabilah there either since she's not in HISTORY.
Just had my annual reunion dinner, with the usual chit-chat to accompany it. A few laughs and drinks (the non-alcoholic kind, unlike jingyu), just like every year, though it's definitely something to look forward to each year.
Can't seem to sleep now, I'll probably return to Guild Wars or another hour of Green Day music. Collecting hongpaos later today whoopee!
ps- If I ever go for my Chem 'O' level paper, I'll probably write someting like this.

Monday, January 23, 2006

Finally decided to drop Chem.... Told Mdm Nabilah this morning, judging from the *gasp* could tell she was quite shocked lol. Anyway just have to get my mom to sign the form and then I'm FREE from this damn subject.No more balancing equations and calculating molar mass or memorising reactivity tables woohoo.
So I've decided to use all these free periods I gain to study geog and physics in the library, since I'm now expected to do better after dropping a subject. At least Emmanuel will be accompanying me.... like that O level must obtain 6 pts!!!!

Friday, January 20, 2006

Wa yesterday woke up feeling very sore all over... must be because of s2pid PE lar run run run. Went home had CONSTANT SEVERE headache the whole freakin day PLUS fever.
But amazingly after 2 panadols and 11 hours of sleep, woke up this morning feeling well again. So decided to go school... stupidstupidstupid. Almost late(made it with 1min to spare), then had chinese AND geog AND chem (oh ya i failed my test. Told you!).... felt worse than yesterday man. But at least library was fun, taking photographs and messing around with all those AEP freaks guys.. Anyway it's friday *yay* so i'm off to play! woohooo!!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Woohoo new template. Very professional one... much better than previous DIY templates.

Oh yeah the photos from Mr Ang's farewell are out! Check them out at All taken by me, but I could have done better lar. Nevermind CNY must do better!

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Today went school sit down for assembly thinking i can relac abit during Ang farewell, then Mdm Tazneen come ask me take photo.... not that i complaining lar, but.... *complains*
Feel abit extra, one sec4 wear long pants sit with sec1s... then she say cannot squat and take must stand up one. Very weird lar stand in front of whole school when they trying to ignore the photographer. But photos quite okay la for these kind of sudden mobilisation.

Woo test over liao. Physics easier than expected but Chem cannot pass one lar. Do finish MCQ then see Emmanuel sleeping... wa so sian he so fast one...summore I think he will get higher than me lor. Hope fail no need go ESP.... I want go home early and rest instead of staying til 6pm studystudystudy.

positive thinking

Tml got chem test! how! sure fail! must go remedial everyday!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Monday, January 02, 2006