Tuesday, September 13, 2005

finally after about 1 whole term of staying back after school to edit, review, rewrite and design, the Victoriana is out! =D and for those who don't know the theme for this issue is sin city! notice the dark colour scheme? Anyway dammit la Mr Ong like free go put my face so big on 1st page... for wat sia.ahaha.
So thank to all the writers, designers, editors =P for your hard work and commitment! So now that this is over can at least spend my time studying....until they recall me back again to go edit the annual mag... hope they forget though...haha
Anyway now that Mr Ong has left to pursue his passion(hah), rumours has been heard that Mr Hazrin will be taking over VSMedia! sia now sure more strict..he NCC teacher summore.. But with his superior english skills sure can maintain this high standard of magazines! And John I try arrange put ur face front cover next time OK, dun keep bugging me =P


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nowadays u start writing stuff already ah.That's cool man coz sometimes onli pic can be abit boring

9/14/2005 12:37 AM  

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