Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Greatest Hits

Update is here! Since alot has happened since my last post, I have invented a unique and cool (groundbreaking) way of listing what events have conspired throughout this period- a list. In order of awesomeness and how much I like 'em. Tadah:

Number 5: Getting H3 History

One step closer to going overseas! Or not. Haven't really decided. Anyway was pretty much decided on History as my H3, then Mr Harris had to ask me the day before confirmation if I wanted to do lit, and blahblah a dilemma ambushed me, but I eventually decided on History. Cos it's more exclusive, yo. Like half of LT4 was packed with H3 students, and when they split us up, whoosh, there were only 8 people in History while the rest of Singapore went over to the Lit H3 section. But obviously my desire and passion in History also played large roles in my decision to choose History. Obviously.

Number 4: The End of PW

OMG YESSS!!!!1!1!11!!!!
Actually PW wasn't really as bad as everyone takes it to be, but still, it's over. No more irritating deadlines/formats/chionging etc. Free~

Number 3: Hours of Lan

The end of PW, and thus, semester 2 of JC1, means that we students are incredibly bored. As the middle children of education, we have no O's or A's or PSLE's, but tons of time for LAN's. 4 hour sessions followed by Katong Laksa interspersed with knowledge that school is gone for 2 months is incredible.

Number 2: Night Cycling

The Friday after OP rehearsal, Ming Hao and I decided to go for supper. Not something spontaneous, being as we'd already collaborated a few times, but we decided to go night cycling along the MRT tracks at 12.30am after. Oooh, delinquent behaviour. Cycled all the way to Expo, then left the track and promptly got lost in Simei, at 2.30am. Then took a wrong turn on the way back at Bedok, 3am. Reached home, 3.45am. But tis the joy of night cycling! Plus two spastic people cycling around rehearsing OP in fake slangs is always fun.

Number 1: Class Chalet!

Costa Sands Resort @ Pasir Ris is super cramped, and was not built for, nor will it ever be meant for, 15 people to hang out and sleep in. Cos when four people play the Xbox on the steps, no one can get up into the room. Why would people wanna get into that small room? Cos there're beds and air-con. But it was fun. BBQ on first day was slightly hampered by all the teachers having last-minute second thoughts, and the funny scene of the guys spending LIKE FREE at the NTUC. Banana at BBQ? Yeah. Oh OK take 2 lor. Wa enough burgers not? Aiyah buy 8 lah. And poof went $150, but surprising all the food disappeared by the 2nd day. Activities at the chalet included: BBQ with burgers and hot dogs and lots of wine; Taboo which I unluckily got all the hard words; mahjong til 5am (I played Xbox though);a walk in Pasir Ris Park (sadly cut short by tired people); a nap on the hard floor; breakfast at Macs. And then more mahjong, wine, Xbox, rinse and repeat. Slept for like 2 hours the first two days, but still managed to cycle to Bedok for prata without any major collisions (by me, anyway). And I'm currently still addicted to mahjong. We shall have a mahjong/bridge/Xbox marathon night one day soon. Halo 2 deathmatch is funnn, so is NFS racing, especially with people who make alot of noise. Anyway more info on this fun-filled chalet can be got from my classmates' blogs, so don't be lazy, just cos I am. And if you owe me money for the chalet ($25 for lodging+food), PAY UP LAH.

postscript: Yay lit trip reunion gathering thingy is tomorrow. I shall bring cards for bridge. But Edo is leaving for Indon tomorrow too, so sadly won't be able to see him off. No worries, he'll be back la. And boo to my spoilt graphics card, I can't play shit. Seriously. Solitaire and StepMania not counted. Am sick of countless playing of Generals and DOTA. Which I still suck at. Shall watch movies instead. Does anyone have Brazil, SLC Punk!, Dr. Strangelove, and 2001: A Space Odyssey to lend me? You can have my burnt graphics card in return.

post-postscript: Has anyone heard about the writers strike? Seems like Heroes is gonna be cut to 11 eps cos of that. What? TV Serials have WRITERS?? Blah, I hope House continues.